Surf El Palmar Cádiz: Best Spots & Accommodation

Trafalgar Polo Club

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Looking for activities to do on the beach? Surf El Palmar is one of the most complete alternatives: it is a very healthy and fun sporting activity that will get your adrenaline pumping.

In addition, El Palmar is one of the best beaches in Spain for this sport. There are 4 kilometres of beach with quality waves and other interesting features:

  • Waves with variable peaks.
  • Powerful waves.
  • Hollow waves.

Surfing is the main activity of this beach, there are many schools nearby and all the equipment you need can be rented without any problems!

And if that wasn't enough, it has everything a sportsman could require: restaurants nearby, quality accommodation, and other attractions. For example, we recommend Trafalgar Polo Club and its flats.

El Palmar Beach is Perfect for Surfing

Why Surf El Palmar? Here are some of the reasons why surfing in El Palmar is possible:

Ideal for different levels of surfing in El Palmar.

The diversity of waves makes it a perfect terrain for all those interested in the sport. For this reason, there are many beginners and experienced visiting this area of Spain The best way to watch lessons and do championships at the same time! It is also practised Kitesurfing.

It is spacious

Because it is a long and spacious beach, it makes it possible for everyone to enjoy the beach. practice comfortablywithout having to disturb those who do not wish to surf.

It is visited by many surfers

According to the experience of those who have visited this beach, a large part of the good experience here is due to the fact that connect with people with the same passions as you. This helps you learn more, but also makes you feel a sense of community.

Secure fund

Experts point out that an essential characteristic for a surf teaching and practice beach is that background sand does not pose a risk

Consider that you are going to fall, and if it is not level, or there are sharp elements, you can injure yourself! In this sense El Palmar is very safe.

What do you need to bring to surf at El Palmar beach?

All you need to bring is beach essentialsMost of the equipment can be rented or is provided by the school.

  • Surfboard (if you don't want to rent).
  • Swimwear.
  • Towel.
  • Sunglasses.
  • Flip-flops.
  • Cap.

To this we add everything you need to keep you comfortable and healthy, such as hydration, sunscreen, etc. And don't forget, you can book at Trafalgar Polo Club for a more comfortable stay.  

El Palmar surfing requirements

The only requirement, in addition to carrying all of the above, is to you can swim. And of course, know how to surf, although if you don't, there are many schools available to learn from beginners to experienced surfers!

How to learn surfing in El Palmar?

As mentioned above, there are many schools on the beach. We recommend you to analyse the proposal of each one of them and select the one that best suits your needs and budget.


Each school has its own rules, but you are sure to find classes for children, teenagers and adults. Some classify them by age, others by learning level: Beginners, Intermediate.

What do you learn?

Some of the lessons you learn in the surf courses in El Palmar are the following:

  • Basic skills.
  • Style and fluency.
  • Safety standards.
  • Teamwork.
  • Take Off.
  • Fundamentals of Surfing.
  • Advanced skills.
  • Analysis of the sea.


This varies the most, depending not only on the school, but also on the type of classes or course you wish to take. Some charge around 30 euros per personwith discounts if there are more. It is best to contact the school directly.

Surf El Palmar

The ideal season for Surfing in El Palmar

The season depends on your level, skills and objectives. For example, experts prefer to go to this beach between October and April, because the waves reach adequate levels of height, about 2 metres.

However, for beginners and intermediate level surfers it is best to go from June to September, when the waves are easier to control.

This should not limit you, although there are preferences, any season is good for surfing in El Palmar. We recommend you keep an eye on the weather forecast for the sea.

Consider that at Trafalgar Polo Club you will always have a high quality flat to stay in.

Surfing Championships at El Palmar Beach

This is a place where very important surfing championships are held, and the beach's fame is more than just marketing, it really is an ideal environment for the sport. It was in 2005 that the 1st El Palmar Vejer Costa Surfing Championship.

Many entities were interested in this event, including sponsors and press, so it was considered a good national event. Quicksilver was one of the most relevant brands at the time.

In 2012 it was planned to hold Volcom TORO, but it was cancelled because a shark of a couple of metres in length appeared. In 2014, the I El Palmar Surf & Bodyboard Contestand a year later the Little Groms El Palmar and II Palmar Surf/Long & Bodyboard Festival.

Final recommendations for Surfing El Palmar

To close this post, we would like to share with you some tips, which should not be options, but self-imposed obligations:

  • Don't go alone. Going in a group not only makes the rental or lessons more economical, but when practicing an adventurous sport it is good to have company for safety.
  • Learn as much as you can before you go to sea.. This will enable you to make much faster progress in practice, even if you are a beginner. The Internet will be your best ally.
  • Don't go to sea the first timeIt is good to warm up on the ground in order to be at 100% of your capabilities.
  • If you are not feeling well, you should inform your health care provider.When it comes to the sea, you have to be very careful.
  • Don't be afraid of sharksAlthough there are reports of them appearing on the seashore, this is highly unlikely.
  • Consider the rules and warnings of the site.This way you can protect yourself and others.
  • Seek quality accommodation, This way you will be concentrated, without distractions to perform better on the beach. Trafalgar Polo Club is an excellent alternative!

¿What are you waiting for to surf in El Palmar? Without a doubt it is one of the most convenient activities when you come to this beach. Don't waste time and start preparing your equipment for a new adventure.

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Trafalgar Polo Club